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I'm Back!

Long time no see! Life has been such a whirlwind lately. So, allow me to reintroduce myself!

I'm still Bridget, Registered Dietitian/ Nutritionist, owner and operator of Bridget's Bites. My blog took a backseat so I could focus on my day job for a while. I also enrolled back in school in a dual Masters, Ph.D. program in Public Administration at Florida Atlantic University. Now that things are settling back into place (somewhat) I figured I'd reopen my blog and get back into the swing of things over at Bridget's Bites! So here we are!

You may be wondering how I came to reopening my blog. I was on work call when my colleague asked me to provide content for "Salad Month", which is May! It dawned on me that I had written a blog post about building a better salad earlier on this blog. I logged back into my blog account and I was compelled to reinvigorate my blog. And I am so happy I did! It brought back some nostalgia! And I have so much content that I am eager to share with you all!

So what have I been up to? Over the past two years, I became a half marathon runner and took up a more plant based lifestyle. I have recipes and tips for how to fuel your body for performance, creative recipes for plant based foods that aren't boring, and so much more! I traveled more than ever; I took a trip to Costa Rica with nothing but a duffel bag, spent some time on my family farm in Northern Pennsylvania, jetted over to California and hiked to the Hollywood sign, and traveled to Washington, D.C. to advocate for anti hunger policies on Capitol Hill. Not to mention, I traveled up and down and throughout Florida, networking with stakeholders and like minded individuals to strengthen our agriculture industry, leveraging in more Florida grown produce into our food desert areas in Southwest and Southeast Florida. I successfully pushed for more farm to school initiatives, was recognized by three different Board of County Commissioners, and attended the Florida School Nutrition Association annual conference. It's been quite a journey and I am ready to share all of my foodie and life experiences with you!

If you are new to Bridget's Bites, I want to welcome you! If you have been following me here, on social media, or in life in general, thank you for all your continued support! My motto stays the same- Bite your way to Health! Here at Bridget's Bites I take my clients on a wholesome food approach, introducing a concept I call "food freedom." Food is meant to be enjoyed, one bite at a time. Let's get you on your journey to a healthier YOU today!

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