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My 'Over the Top' Experience at Delray Beach's newest hidden eatery- Over The Bridge Caf

Lately, my Saturday mornings have been spent on selfcare, doing things for myself that make me happy. Most people that know me can attest to the notion that it is very difficult for me to relax and put myself first, sometimes. I get too wrapped up in working so much that I let myself fall to the side. However, within the past few weeks, my work has slowed down and I’ve made it a conscious effort to do more “self care.” Where the #Saturdaysarefortheboys is an official thing, I guess it’s only fitting that I claim #Saturdaysareforselfcare.

This morning I started my day with an intense 90- minute vinyasa burn class with a girlfriend of mine. The post workout sweat was real and a killer breakfast was definitely in the books for us. Driving down Atlantic Ave, I had suggested we check out this new “hot spot”, Over The Bridge Cafe. I had seen posts from a Dietitian on instagram and had been wanting to try it out for some time. Today was the day it came to fruition.

Over The Bridge Cafe is a new hidden gem of a restaurant located eastbound on Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach. It is literally “over the bridge.” We were welcomed by the hostess who immediately sat us at a nice table outside, under a canopy. A musician was present, playing mellow tunes, creating a really nice and relaxing ambiance and great place to have a post yoga meal. It was very quaint.

The waitress came over and greeted us and introduced us to being new to the restaurant. I started with an iced coffee and my girlfriend had ordered a fresh fruit yogurt smoothie! Super refreshing I must say! We took a hard look over the menu, contemplating between sweet or savory. There were so many options from a standard traditional American egg breakfast to breakfast hash skillets, loaded breakfast tater tots, stuffed french toast, and more. It was very challenging to choose one item so we opted to share and try one sweet menu item and one savory item.

We shared the mushroom breakfast flatbread and the sticky bun. First, let’s talk about the flatbread. Boy, was it good! Served with an over easy egg and drizzle of a balsamic reduction, the flatbread was exactly what my taste buds needed- crunch from the flatbread, saltiness from the mozzarella cheese, freshness from the mushrooms and blistered tomatoes, and it was all perfectly brought together with a runny egg yolk! It was fabulous! Now, for me, no meal is ever complete without a sweet component, so behold the sticky bun! Typically, the sticky bun is served with bacon, however, we left it out. But let me tell you about this bun. First, it comes served on a small cast iron skillet, and, the aroma is just decadent. There was a pool of maple glaze the bun was sitting in and was dancing with pecans and dried raisins. When you cut into it, it is the epitome of “sticky.” The gooey yumminess of these rolls is no joke. It’s no wonder that there is a day devoted to celebrating the sticky bun (its February 21 FYI!).

Needless to say, if you live near or far, but are a foodie at heart, give this place a try! You won’t be disappointed. It is the perfect spot to satisfy all your cravings, from savory to sweet!

Happy & Healthy Always,


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